I’m not sure how to start or how to finish this post. This week I have seen the city I love and the people of this city battered. The last 7 days have been heavy and hard and it is not over. Windows can and will be repaired. The trauma from the police violence against the citizens of Indianapolis is going to last for a very long time. I need to be clear, if there was any doubt where I stand, where my business stands, I support @blmindy & Black Lives Matter.
Masks I screen printed then sewed for the Indy 10 Black Lives Matter Organizers
This week my family and I went to protests downtown more than once. Yes, my mama heart quakes in fear at the thought harm coming to my daughter when we are there, but it is nothing compared to what our Black friends have felt for a lifetime. My heart has been split wide open. Listening as George Floyd called for his mama... hearing Dreasjon Reed’s mother speak about his ruined face. As author Glennon Doyle says, “There is no such thing as other people’s children.” At the protest Tuesday a stranger gave Scout her googles to protect her eyes because she was worried we were going to get gassed. Another mother came up and talked me through the steps of what to do when the police fired tear gas at us. I had to explain to Scout when she got excited about the police mounted on horses that other people see them and fear for their lives. I had to explain to her the goggles were to protect her from the police. Today I see a video of IMPD firing tear gas directly into a car with two black babies inside. Still, my family came home safely. A friend shared something from MLKJr, “Other families may be fortunate enough to protect their young from danger.” We are the other families. As soon as we ride away from the crowd, we are safe. White friends, I need you to put on a mask and show up to stand in solidarity with Black Families. Saturday there is a sit in at the Indiana State Capitol Building from 3-5:30pm and I want to see you there.
The was the second round of BLM masks I made. I am working on getting some mass produced masks that I can print directly on and will let folks know when those are available.